By Peter Marchand

SAMADHI Handbook Extracts

Tantric Advaita

About one year into writing the Samadhi Handbook, I realized it would become too big for many readers. I then decided to make sure that the content of the handbook would allow me to easily extract 15 booklets from it. Each had to be complete in covering its particular subject. Now, after working on this total project for about 2 1/2 years, it is finally done. Thanks to all that helped to make this happen.

“Samadhi – The Deep Meditation Handbook” is a two-volume work with over 600 pages on reaching the deepest states of meditation. Not every seeker is up to this kind of challenge, which is totally fine, logical and natural. There may be little time for practice available and whatever one is able to do must then logically be limited to relaxing in a state of relative mental wellness. Many such practices are available in creating a comfortable sitting posture, using breath for relaxation, chanting mantras for emotional release, etc. Likewise, while one may not be enabled or even interested to fundamentally adopt a more yogic lifestyle, there may still be an opening for transforming a number of things in the why, when, how and what of life. We may then for example temporarily focus on better managing our desires, achieving emotional balance, start some supportive hobbies, change one’s diet, etc.

Tantric Advaita

The 15 Samadhi Handbook Extracts are handy booklets of 100 to 200 pages, which allow us to zoom into a particular subject. There may be some overlap in the introductory pages in order to explain the basic concepts of the Self, the layers of beingness, etc. That aside these are entirely unique and complete overviews of particular issues that affect our spiritual growth and meditative practices. From wherever we are, we are able to step forward. There are no requirements but the free willingness to lift up just one foot. Ultimate reality does the rest.





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The entirety of the yogic tradition is revealed as originating from the Self, bridging the illusion of a gap between nonduality and other practices.

The practitioners of yoga postures, breath, mantra, or meditation should not be confused about whether all of that is helpful on the spiritual path, or just some distraction produced by the ego.